
The last of us keycard
The last of us keycard

The cards along the top row of your side will correspond to the bottom row of your partner’s side. The key card must be placed so that it is wider than it is tall.You and your partner have to sit across the table with the card grid and key card between you (as illustrated in the rulebook) – only this way the card is going to work - you have to look at the grid from opposite sides.This seems to be quite common issue with new players, so please let us try to explain how the key cards are supposed to work:

the last of us keycard

"Send me a replacement or give me my money back, sneaky CGE!" is running through your mind. The problem starts when you try to check it by turning the grid card from one side to another and all of the sudden you realize that all this doesn't work with your grid card! Moreover, it doesn't work for any of the key cards in your game actually. The second black word is surprisingly green on your colleague's side of grid and the last one (the third one) is neutral, beige. On the double sided key card grid there are 3 words seen as black from the one side, where one of them is black for your co-op partner as well. We are facing an unusual phenomenon in the Codenames: Duet game.

the last of us keycard the last of us keycard

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The last of us keycard