#Ps1 hagrid therapist mod#
Hoenn Trumpets created a full PS1 Hagrid mod for Super Smash Bros. It’s not just still images that get made though. The beard shadow becomes a chiseled chin too. ‘Yassifying’ faces (giving them a full makeover with lipstick, eyeliner, and other bits of makeup) is funny enough as it is, but it’s something else to see the drastic contrast of a clean-shaven, done-up Hagrid. Twitter meme staple also gave Hagrid a new look, using AlphaOmegaSin’s glow-up image. 7OczysIcPe- Yassify Bot November 26, 2021 Since this tweet (and others like it around the same time), the floodgates of PS1 Hagrid jokes, tributes, and all-around appreciation have been thrown open. Twitter user (whose account is now private), also picked up on the sadness of the character’s face and remarked on it. Image via wasn’t until 2016 that PS1 Hagrid really started getting celebrated. The meme was starting to get more attention, but it hadn’t broken into the mainstream just yet. During a Let’s Play series, they remarked on the model’s resemblance to a blobfish. YouTuber Benzaie put their own spin on the joke with a PhotoShop. We have whoever made this first image to thank for starting the trend, but it didn’t take off immediately. While newcomers may not like what they see, things were different when the Harry Potter books and movies were at their apex. Although it’s been about twenty years since the terrible image was first released, there are still people talking about it. The deliberate misspelling of “Haggord” is very in line with modern meme styles, and the rest of the line plays up the character’s heavy accent. PS1 Hagrid, or Haggord, has become one of the most iconic characters released by EA Games. Yes, really - this image first appeared in a forum way back in 2012. The image above is the first known meme of good ol’ Hagrid, but its creator is unknown. In the game, his likeness just looks glum. Actor Robbie Coltrane brought an endearing, fatherly aura to the character that made his bond with Harry so believable. There are no great-looking face maps in The Sorcerer’s Stone on PS1, but for whatever reason, Hagrid looks extra sad. During the adventure, you’ll do some quests for Hagrid, the Hogwarts groundskeeper.

This particular model of Hagrid comes from the PlayStation 1 game Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Related: What is the origin of the Press F to Pay Respects meme? The PS1 Hagrid meme, explained Here’s where the meme comes from and some of the best jokes featuring ol’ Hagrid.

The sad face has been used in a number of memes and pithy responses, and it’s actually a lot older than you might think. If you’ve spent some time on the internet, then you’ve probably come across the PS1 Hagrid meme.